Thursday, July 31, 2008


Greetings, Children of Earth!

Today I am bored. So let's try updating this bloody blog.

My officemates are starting to make fun of me dozing off. Just the other day, during the department meeting, I managed to sleep while my colleagues are presenting some stuff to the audience. The guy beside said that I snored, and another guy across the meeting table said that I made weird movement, such as twisting my neck slowly and showing the white of my eyes. I really didn't notice all of this. And the boss noticed it too! After the meeting ended he remarked about it, but fortunately he didn't get all pissed off.

And today, during a discussion between my colleague and a guy from PMM (that's Procurement & Materials Management), I managed to take a nap. I was there just to learn a few things, but the subject is dead boring, and I didn't have any clue on the project. I just couldn't make my eyes stay open. So off I went to see Morpheus.

I really need to start sleeping early. This Internet addiction and lack of sleep is killing me.

Yeah, this is pretty "skema". I just don't give a shit.



bark_larky said...

woot! your train stops? lol

ps: new post! new post! new post!

Dils said...

Burn the internet! Burn the internet!

eyz said...

Burning the internets? UNPOSSIBLE