Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I've restarted my workout regiment for a few weeks already.

For starters, I did HIIT on my stationary bike. As per Wikipedia's definition:

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprint interval training is an exercise strategy that is intended to improve performance with short training sessions. HIIT is a form of cardio which is beneficial to burning fat in a short and intense workout. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 15–30 minutes. Most HIIT sessions have a 2:1 ratio in terms of time. For example, for running, a HIIT session may be something as 60 seconds jog, 30 seconds sprint.

Right now, what I'm doing on the bike is as follows:

[00:00] 10 minutes warm-up (low intensity)
[10:00] 1 minute high intensity
[11:00] 2 minutes medium intensity
[13:00] 1 minute high intensity
[14:00] 2 minutes medium intensity
[16:00] 1 minute high intensity
[17:00] 2 minutes medium intensity
[19:00] 1 minute high intensity
[20:00] 10 minutes cool-down (low intensity)
[30:00] End

Current progress: 30 minutes, 5.7 km (according to my bike's instruments)

I plan to increase the the time to 40 minutes by increasing the high intensity intervals. After 1 month, I will switch to a shorter interval (30 seconds high intensity, 60 seconds medium intensity). Ultimately, I aim to do HIIT according to the Tabata method - 20 seconds high intensity, 10 seconds medium intensity.

Come January, I also plan to restart my weight-lifting routine. It's been more that a year since I left it, and I'm back at square 1. Gotta start from scratch to regain what I've lost, and then some more.

My current eating habit also needs to be revamped. Too much empty calories. Need to revert to the old diet plan. Got to cut down on eating out, and start to learn cooking. Cheap, fast, simple, nutritious. That's the 4 keywords I'm looking at. Gotta be tough, but it's got to be done.

That one will be in another post I guess.

1 comment:

HafizChan said...

Cheap, fast, simple, nutritious.

Aku pom dah tak fit masa ada trainer dulu...
Kena kembali kepada tabiat asal ni!